Our giraffes – XHANT
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Our giraffes

Our giraffes are perfectly adapted to the climate of García and have their barn to protect themselves from both the cold and the heat.

Their diet is based on forage and concentrated food, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables that you will have to feed them from your balcony.

The gestation or pregnancy of giraffes lasts 15 months. At Xhant we try to have them all born between March and October, so that they are born in that season when the climate is most favorable for babies.


Tito was born on a ranch in the state of Sonora and his mother could not raise him, so he came to us with some health problems and malnutrition, but with a lot of love and veterinary care we managed to get him through. Since he managed to survive, his original name was going to be “Milagrito” but out of affection we called him Tito.


Rafa is a Texan macho. We had to get his passport for him to come to Mexico. He came to us in 2012.


Xifa comes from Ciudad Neza People's Park in the state of Mexico to participate in the breeding program and so far she has been a very good mother to all her babies.


Aurora arrived from the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City to participate in the breeding program. Last year her first baby was born: Pau.

Lola and Africa

Lola (left) and Africa (right) were in an abandoned ranch in Tamaulipas, so we decided to adopt them and now they live happily with us.


Xula is the first giraffe to be born in Xenpal, a result of the breeding program: She is the daughter of Xifa and Tito. She was born on June 1, 2019.


Fito is the second calf of the Xenpal breeding program: He is the son of Xifa and Rafa. He was born on March 5, 2021.

Pau (FR)

Pau (left) was born on February 22, 2022, the result of the breeding program carried out with the Chapultepec Zoo: She is the daughter of Aurora and Tito.


Romina (right) is the daughter of Xifa and Rafa, she was born on October 3, 2022. She is a little giraffe who really likes children and is very playful.


We call Malu (med.) in honor of our friend María Julia la Fuente, who is the godmother of the Xenpal giraffes and our friend Luis Carlos Ortiz (Ma-Lu). He was born on November 26, 2022 during a frost, but was kept warm in the barn.

When you see them from your balcony, will you be able to distinguish each one?

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1 Room , 1 adults , 0 Children